

When I look out the window, you know what I see? Yes, snow. Our whole garden is white with like 40cm snow! It's crazy how it turned this way in just two days. Even if the snow is cold it's still beautiful and brings so much light and I love downhill skiing and cuddling by the fire when it's freezing outside so I'm not going to complain!

Anyway I have to go jogging even if it's -2.5 degrees celsius and nothing else but snow on the ground.
That's maybe the reason why I've had sore throat and been a little ill for a while but i'm going to go jogging anyway..
So see ya (:

1 kommentti:

  1. Videon :D

    Alltså allting e ju flyttat till sidan och allt ser fel ut!!!! ANGST! min meny e där nere o de finns ingen begränsning var allt slutar!!!
